Starting your journey towards your best smile begins with a detailed Invisalign consultation at Smile Studio 87. Here’s what you can expect when you schedule your Invisalign consult in Woodridge, IL.

What You Need To Know About Invisalign

Invisalign clear aligners are a superior choice for straightening teeth discreetly and efficiently. Apart from aesthetics, clear aligners are often chosen over metal braces for comfort and convenience. The aligners are made from smooth plastic, which is generally considered more comfortable than wires and brackets. Since Invisalign aligners are removable, it allows for easier eating, brushing, and flossing. 

At your Smile Studio 87 consultation, our experts are prepared to answer any other questions you may have about Invisalign.

Your Personalized Consultation Journey

Free Video Consultation 

Your journey starts from the comfort of your home with a free video consultation where you can discuss your dental goals and what you hope to achieve with Invisalign. During this consultation, we will prepare everything  you need to know about the Invisalign treatment process to  make sure it is the right treatment for you and your smile.

In-office Evaluation

After your video consult, you will visit our Smile Studio 87 office for a detailed evaluation that includes 3D scans, X-rays, and photographs. These are essential steps to customize your treatment plan. We’ll go over what to expect during the treatment process, including timelines and the specific steps involved, such as the placement of attachments or “buttons” and the possible need to create space for tooth movement.

The Treatment Process

Custom Aligner Fabrication

After your initial evaluation, your details are sent to Invisalign for the creation of your personalized aligners. Based on your X-Rays and scans, the first aligners introduce a subtle change from your starting smile, and each set will gradually get you closer to your dream smile.

Treatment Review and Adjustments 

Return in three weeks to review your treatment plan and make any necessary adjustments. Our team will make sure you have a clear understanding of how to wear and take care of your aligners, and we will answer any remaining questions you have before officially starting your treatment.

Beginning Your Treatment

Attachments or “buttons” will be added to certain teeth to direct their movement. Interproximal reduction (IPR) may also be performed to ensure there’s enough space for teeth to move correctly. Then you will receive your sets of aligners that will each be worn for one week before being replaced with the designated next aligner. 

Smile Studio 87 Support

Ongoing Care

Regular check-ups will be scheduled every 2-3 months to ensure your treatment is progressing as planned. When treatment is complete, the buttons are removed and your teeth are polished. You will receive whitening gel and your retainer to wear each night  to make sure that you maintain your new smile. If any issues arise with your retainer you can reach out to our team at Smile Studio 87 for support.

Lower Rates for Invisalign Treatment

Smile Studio 87 is committed to making Invisalign treatment more accessible and affordable for its patients. Thanks to our extensive experience with Invisalign, Smile Studio 87 receives discounts on these advanced aligners. We pass these savings onto our patients, offering competitive rates that lower the financial barrier to achieving a perfect smile. This approach not only enhances affordability but also ensures that more people can benefit from this innovative and effective treatment option.

Consult The Invisalign Experts at Smile Studio 87

Starting your Invisalign journey at Smile Studio 87 in Woodridge, IL means receiving personalized, expert care tailored to your unique smile goals. From your initial free video consultation to the detailed in-office evaluation and through every step of the treatment process, our team is dedicated to ensuring you achieve the best possible results with competitive rates and extensive support. For a closer look at what to expect, check out the informative video available on our Invisalign page, where you can learn more about the treatment process. At Smile Studio 87, we’re excited to be a part of your journey to a straighter, more confident smile.

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